Looking for Ball and Roller Bearing Vibration data?

Check out the tips below to get the most out of your free trial.

#1 Main Menu

Enter your Bearing Number.

Calculations default at 1 RPM but you can modify RPM values or run reports in CPS.

Check out report header for dimensions in mm and inches.

Look at the side panel for different report options.


#2 Vibration / Harmonics

Your Vibration Report shows you base frequency data for each manufacturer on a single report.

You can sort your report by clicking on any column heading to have a different view of the data.

This is especially valuable when clicking on NO. B/R allowing you to see and compare vibration data for all manufacturers with same number of rolling elements.

Select any bearing from your Vibration Report to view Harmonics. 

Harmonics will highlight the degree of contact angle the data was presented to ISI by manufacturer. 

You can change the frequency data by entering your own degree of contact angle in the box provided in header of report.

#3 Other Reports

Diagrams provide line drawings of part number submitted.

General Help gives tips on how to navigate the site.

Notes provide additional information specific to the searched bearing type.